The Average Pension For The Self Employed Retirement Is Located At 602.68 Euros In Extremadura.

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The average pension for the self-employed retirement is located at 602.68 euros in Extremadura.
Meanwhile, nationally, the retirement pension for self-employed is 45.2 percent below that of the employees,
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because, while the former provision charge a monthly average of 602.97 euros, the retirement seconds perceived by an average of 1100.10 per month, according to a report from the Autonomous Workers Federation (ATA).
Although the amount of pensions for the self, be they orphans, disability, widowhood or retirement, are lower than in the general scheme, the average of the autonomous pension has increased by 2.9% in the first six months the year, growth slightly higher than the average pension General Regime, which was 2.27% in the same period.
Specifically, from January to June, the average pension has risen by 15.48 autonomous euros, rising from EUR 531.66 per month December 2009 a total of 547.14 euros in June this year. In absolute terms, the increase in the average pension was less autonomous than the general scheme,
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which grew in the semester at 20.55 euros on average.
The ATA report shows that the average pension is an autonomous 25.54% higher than that paid to an autonomous woman. Thus, compared to 638.45 euros in men, the average pension for women is located at 475.37 euros.
The autonomous pension for retirement and permanent disability are also higher in the case of men, 24.7% and 14.66% more than women, respectively. Specifically, the average pension has a male retiree is autonomous of 677.94 euros, an amount that goes down to 510.46 euros in case of autonomous women retirees.
Only in cases of widows, orphans and family for self-employed women receive a higher pension than men, a 35.13% and 3.73% more, respectively.
According to ATA, the free-lance profitability has declined as a result of the transfer of agricultural self to Special Regime self-employed (RETA) from January 1, 2008.
Thus, the organization noted that while up to December 31, 2007 the free-lance was the most profitable, with 3.05 contributors per pensioner, 30 June 2010 the situation “has turned 180 degrees “and the number of contributors per pensioner has fallen” dramatically “to 1.71, far surpassed by the general scheme (2.63 occupied by a pensioner) and all social security schemes, with contributors 2.04 for every pensioner.
The Basque Country, A
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By Autonomous Community, Basque Country (625.79 euros per month), Navarra (599.92 euros), Madrid (590.94 euros) and Ceuta (587.27 euros) show the average pension of autonomous higher. At the opposite extreme are Galicia (486.71 euros), Baleares (514.47 euros), Asturias (518.89 euros) and Cantabria (518.90 euros).
However, the ATA must autonomous average pension is lower than 29.78% of total social security regimes.
As for retirement pensions, the Basque Country are also the most charged (EUR 705.02month), followed by Ceuta (678.52 euros), Melilla (664.9 euros), Madrid (661.48 euros) and Navarre (656.9 euros).
Around half are located in La Rioja (637.39 euros), Castilla-La Mancha (635.20 euros), Aragon (631.03 euros), Valencia (623.59 euros), Cataluna (616.08 euros ), Murcia (615.17 euros), Extremadura (602.68 euros) and Andalucia (601.85 euros).
For its part, Galicia (531.40 euros),
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Asturias (568.75 euros), Baleares (569.66 euros), Cantabria (577.02 euros), Canary Islands (584.59 euros) and Castilla y Leon (598, 06 euros) communities where the average retirement pension for self-employed are lower, with an average benefit that does not reach 600 euros.
ATA’s president, Lorenzo Amor, I emphasize that, although it is very important to the effort by many self-employed are to enhance their contribution base, plus they are still listed for a lower base their real income.
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